Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sri Lanka Briyani Rice

Chamelia makes the best briyani rice ever! She is from Sri Lanka and her briyani rice is HEAVEN! She normally makes ALOT and we will have to eat briyani rice for a week! Today she made for us again and I was helping her with the chopping and cooking :-)
To Make the rice
*Briyani rice (she said to use the rice from Sri Lanka of course)
*1 tbs of turmeric powder
* Salt
* Pandan leaf
For the briyani sauce
* 1 whole chicken
* 2-4 potatoes
* 2-3 tomatoes
* 2-4 Chopped onions
* Garlics (10 or more), sliced
* Ginger (2-3 cm), sliced
* Fresh Coriander (chopped)
* 1 tsp chili powder
* 1 tbs briyani mix
* 2 tsp coriander powder
* 1 cube chicken stock
* Some cardomom, cloves and cinnamon sticks
* Salt to taste

1. Marinate the chicken with vinegar, salt and chili powder the night before or at least 2 hours
2. Add some oil and fry until super crispy and set aside.

3. With the same oil, fry potatoes till brown and also the garlic and ginger. Set aside

4. Add some oil and fry the onions.

5. Then make a hole in the middle of the wok and add the chopped tomatoes.

6. Then add the spices - cardomom, cloves and cinnamon sticks

7. Add curry leaves and chopped coriander

8. Next add the Briyani Mix ,hicken stock, chili powder, coriander powder and some salt to taste.

9. Add the fried chicken into the mix.

10. Add the potatoes and fried garlic and ginger and mix.

For the rice
Cook rice the usual way u cook. Chamelia cooked it in the pot because she is making a huge portion and it will not fit in the rice cooker :-P. She add turmeric powder, pandan leaf and some salt.

When both rice and the briyani sauce is cooked, Just mix them together and yummy yum yum!